Call 718-285-0741

Our Services

Special Needs Trust & Tax Advisory

Certified Acceptance Agent for ITIN

Family Based Immigration Service

Uncontested Divorce Service


File Uncontested Divorce

Divorce in the U.S. is governed by state rather than federal law. The laws of the state(s) of residence at the time of divorce govern, not those of the location where the couple was married. All states recognize divorces granted by any other state. Divorc

Special Needs Trust and Tax Advisory

Fund Special Needs Trust & ABLE accounts

Since trusts and ABLE accounts are designed to provide for clients for life, we will not only examine accounts depletion, but advise on funding resources, to help ensure their long-term viability.

Prepare Letter of Intent

The Letter of Intent (LOI) is a document parents prepare, which memorializes their knowledge of their child’s needs so that they may guide future caregivers, guardians, and trustees in providing the best possible care to your child.

Tax Planning for Special Needs Families

Trusts generally are considered separate taxable entities for income tax purposes, and the trustee must file an income tax return for the trust. Unless the trustee specializes in the income taxation of trusts, it is prudent for the trustee to consult

ITIN Application

As a Certifying Acceptance Agent, we can certify a client’s passport or other original identification documents so that there is no longer a need to certify at the foreign consulate or risk sending in original documents to the IRS thus simplifying and exp

Audit Special Needs Trust, ABLE & Personal Allowance

We monitor Special Needs Trusts, ABLE accounts, and Personal Allowance accounts to ensure qualified expenditures are made for the beneficiary (person with a disability) and to prevent the mismanagement or misuse of these funds.


File Family Based Immigration

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is responsible for processing immigration and naturalization applications and establishing policies regarding immigration services.